Sunday, May 25, 2008

If a tree falls in the yard...

Last Sunday, we were enjoying a movie with our son when I commented, "Boy, it is gusty outside." Just then we heard a loud crash. Thinking something had blown over in the kitchen, Tim went in that direction and saw a limb from our neighbor's tree in the yard. So we went to the back door, and discovered that half of the door had been taken out by the killer tree limb. It wasn't until we had moved the limb that I realized we should take pictures of the damage. It turns out that our insurance deductible is more than the cost of a new door, so we'll be paying for this ourselves. Figures!

What I found most interesting about this experience was the lack of a kind word from our neighbor. This was not her fault, of course, but if my tree had taken out her back door, I would have apologized at the very least. I would have appreciated an offer to help chop up the tree and an offer to haul the lumber to the yard waste center (part of the joy of living in St. Paul: we burn fossil fuel to drive our leaves and limbs to a central location. Makes perfect sense.) Heck, I would have appreciated an "Oh, Dear!" But, it was radio silence. We've been neighbors for several years, and she's been a guest in our home. I guess Tree Impales Neighbor's House doesn't warrant comment. 

I can't help but wonder, after all, how well do we know our neighbors? Or ourselves? I'd certainly like to think I would try to make it right if my property damaged or destroyed the property of another person, but would I really? Would you? It's easy to be self-righteous when it's not our tree, so to speak. So, today will be spent cleaning up the tree limbs and shopping for a new door. And saying hello to our neighbor. Because life goes on, and hopefully we'll be neighbors for a long time. She's quiet, she doesn't throw loud parties, and she keeps her sidewalk shoveled. If you've ever lived next door to a less than ideal neighbor, you know what a treasure she is! 

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