Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Taking a Break

Whew! It's been that kind of month so far and it is only March 4th. Between working and living, I find I have little left to give to my blog. Oh, I'm still as opinionated as ever, but much of what I would like to say in this forum I find I cannot say, realistically. So for now, I'll be taking a break from the blog. Perhaps in the future I'll find more time to devote to writing about the study revealing that some first grade classrooms are sub-par... and how that jives with my own child's first grade year so far. Hopefully I'll be back to share how my son's summer of day camps starts out. Will he enjoy his experiences, and be stimulated and engaged? Or will he grow tired of camp? Will my garden produce anything edible this year, and will I EVER be successful at baking with a sourdough starter? We'll see. And then maybe I'll write about it!

Be well, and hug your kids.